Keeping your business open!

Happy shopkeeper

Keeping your business premises safe and secure is key to operating on a ‘business as usual’ basis

Having access to your business premises each day is crucial from both a financial and security point of view. We take for granted that putting your key in the door will allow you to open your place of work and carry on with a ‘business as usual’ approach. But what if your locks fail? Time is money, explains Dan Reynolds, Director of RLM Locksmiths, and faulty locks can have a big impact.

Being located near Gatwick, I’m surrounded by businesses operating round-the-clock, which require 24/7 support from a local locksmith. A great example recently is being called out at 1am to fix a faulty fire door at a local hotel. Thankfully, the hotel was located minutes down the road so a speedy response arriving and completing the job allowed me to reassure the management team that they could get their guests out in an emergency situation if needed. They were back in business pretty quickly with minimal impact.

But what if you’re a business with staff waiting to get in to start their working day? Potentially hours could be lost and your productivity instantly goes on hold. Your paying staff for waiting around while you find a locksmith. Or you could be a hairdresser with paying customers waiting outside. They could cancel or rearrange impacting on your loss of earnings that day.

The worst thing you can do is panic and pick the first locksmith that comes up on Google. The chances are they won’t be local so this will affect your loss of earnings even further. Think ahead and plan for these situations.

Store a number of a local locksmith in your phone that has great reviews and comes highly recommended. Build a relationship so you can rely on them when and if the time comes, maybe invite them down to your premises to do a quick security check. A good locksmith will be able to advise how you can improve on your security.

For example, ask yourself when was the last time you changed your locks?

Some companies have assets on site worth a lot of money; computers, stock, equipment etc. so make your premises as secure as possible. More importantly, address any faulty locks as soon as possible so you don’t end up being financially out of pocket.

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